

This is were the first instance of NextResponse is intiated. Default value is but you can customize it and even provide a function to generate it.

Callbacks Order

  1. The response journey starts here.
  2. It's passed through the beforeAll callback
  3. If available goes through the beforeAll callback of the hostname middleware
  4. The actual handler if exists or the default one
// step 1
function responseFactory() : NextResponse {
  const res =
  // whatever
  res.cookies.set('appVersion', '0.0.1')
  return res
export default handlePaths([
    hostname: /app\./,
    // step 3
    beforeAll: (req, res) => {
      // do checks or whatever
      return res
    handler: [
        path: '/:path*',
        // step 4
        handler: (req, res) => {
          // do stuff
          return res
], {
  response: responseFactory,
  // step 2
  beforeAll: (req, res) => {
    res.cookies.set('my-cookie', 123.toString())
    return res